Still, in the interest of addressing my earlier concerns about them I brought them along to the studio the other day to print over some of them.
Some photos of the studio and printing process are included.
![]() I did this really nice little set on June 21, 2013 and although I really liked it a lot I still felt like they weren't entirely finished. One issue I had with them was that as a group they seemed only slightly different from one another. So I kept them around with the intention of revisiting them in some way. Around six weeks later I looked at them again and couldn't see the what I saw before. Looking at them with fresh eyes I really loved them a lot and I think they are some of the more rich pieces that I've done in a while. Still, in the interest of addressing my earlier concerns about them I brought them along to the studio the other day to print over some of them. Some photos of the studio and printing process are included.
![]() The pieces done on September 3, 2013 were not the best. I just wasn't into them almost from the start and although there were some things about them that I liked they still didn't click for me. When this happens [and it happens a lot] I sometimes opt to print over them and that's what I did in this case. Katherine had done another linoleum block print of a vintage bicycle and we used that as well as a few others that she carved up a month or so ago. We just got back from the studio and now I'm really pleased with this set. ![]() Another series of photos that show the process used most frequently to create a bulk of the pieces in the One Thousand Thousand project. In this particular set I used some collage material as background for some of the pieces. The finished pieces are posted here. This is a large-ish series of photos and I'm tucking it away behind the trusty old Read More link. ![]() This set was completed on July 22, 2013 and I am incredibly pleased with every single one. I remember feeling a bit overwhelmed this day and was probably anxious about the show that was coming up on August 2, 2013. I had a lot to do that week and was not really into making more paintings. I decided to do something different and I used a jar of school paste to generate some texture. I colored the white paste with brown acrylic paint and just sort of added it around in areas. The results are fantastic and these look really nice. It took a day or so for the glue to even dry completely and I ended up grabbing these pieces and using them in the show without ever scanning them first. I sold some of them before I remembered I hadn't scanned them all. I pulled the rest and kept them aside and I just now had time to scan them. Some additional overview and detail photos of this set as it was being completed are also included. Some detail and overview photos of this set are posted just below. It got dark outside as I was finishing these so some of the photos are certainly not the best.
![]() Some of the pieces that were done on August 1, 2013. I was doing these outside in the garden and I tossed a little handful of sand onto some layers of the paint. The texture is really terrific and I am really excited about the idea of doing more along these lines. I was rushing to get things ready for showing at South First Friday on August 2, 2013 and didn't have time to scan these sooner. I also sold off a handful before I could scan them and these are what I have left from this set. [One of the reasons why I am seriously in the habit of photographing these things at most every stage.] And speaking of documentation I'm including some of those overview photos of this set as they were being completed. The photos just about always look better than any of the scans I typically produce. I really wish I had an easier system for documenting each of these pieces in a less headache-inducing way. And the individual scans are here:
Apparently I overlooked scanning this set and I realize that a good number of them were sold off at the show last weekend. This is precisely why I have tried to get into the habit of photographing these things as I finish them.
There are 21 pieces in this set and they are #325,194 through #325,214. Anyway, I'll scan whatever pieces I have left over. Until then here are some overview photos. ![]() Still another set from July that I really like a lot. The image at left is a detail of the group as it was being completed and I'm also including a handful more of those in-the-process shots. Most of these went pretty quickly at the South First Fridays event over the weekend and I'm glad that people liked them as much as I do. The texture on these is pretty great and I realize that I want to do some more that incorporate some seriously tangible textures. The photos are just below the Read More link. ![]() The set that was done on July 19, 2013 is kind of a mixed bag for me. About exactly half of them I am incredibly happy with and the other half don't entirely work for me. I dunno. It happens like that sometimes. I used a portion of the colors that I had still laying out from the set done earlier and in that sense they look like they are related to the July 18, 2013 set. I have learned a lot from making art over the years and one thing for sure is that just because I love a piece doesn't mean everyone else will. And just because I'm not entirely won over by some of the work doesn't mean that others will feel the same way. Whatever. I don't know why I feel the need to make excuses for any of my work. It's ridiculous. The rest of the pieces from this set as well as a couple of overview photos are just below. ![]() This little group was one of three sets that were completed at KALEID Gallery. They were actually done on July 16, 2013 but I accidentally stamped them with the wrong date. Working in collaboration is pretty great in a lot of ways and it forces you to contend with outside input and produces results that you'd probably not achieve on your own. This was a fun set to do and some of the pieces turned out to be really, really nice. A few still need a little bit of work and I'm planning on adding a lino-cut print over them. Maybe. The rest are just below behind the good old Read More link. ![]() This little set was done on June 19, 2013 and I'm only just now finished goofing around with them. I used beeswax as the primary medium. I say this as I wouldn't yet be comfortable labeling these as something more formal like encaustic pieces. Not even close. Just beeswax. The wax is pretty thick in some areas and I carved into them a bit and they have a really nice texture to them. Still, after about a month of fooling around with them I'm finally satisfied with how they turned out. They are nice enough to look at. The rest are just below behind the good old Read More link. ![]() Sometimes when you're making so many paintings in such a short amount of time you'll invariably feel like some of the pieces just don't click for you. It happens all of the time. To every artist regardless of some project. A solution for this is to pass the work on to someone else. But it's mainly just to get them out of your mind in some way. I frequently send my pieces like this off to Christopher and he'll do the same. So recently Christopher completed a set and he just didn't feel like they were somehow finished so he sent them to me. He asked that I add something to them. But when I got them I really liked them the way that they were and wasn't inclined to really add anything more to them. So they sat around until just now and Katherine and I used some of them to print over. The image gallery is just below. ![]() So I've been working on doing some demonstration type of thing that basically shows some of the techniques I typically use to create some of these pieces. It's something I want to make available to other artists that are interested in contributing their own work to the project or just making a few hundred pieces on their own for their own enjoyment. With this idea in mind I took a ton of photos of the whole process from start to finish and this particular set was the one I was working on. I think in many ways this distracted me and it kind of caused me to overthink and then overwork a lot of the pieces in the set. Still, they are all okay. I don't hate them or anything. I just know I tried too hard and for a lot of them it really shows. On the other hand, I really like how a few of these turned out. I really, really like them. And that's one of the truly amazing things about this project. The results are usually really nice. Or, at least, it's pretty difficult to just fail entirely. Something good will invariably come out of it. UPDATE: The series of photos from this set are posted here. ![]() Scans of some of the individual pieces completed on July 6, 2013 as well as a few detail/overview shots of the group as they were being completed. There were just 12 done in this particular group and it took me a while to even like them. Started out with a field of red and ended up hating how it looked. For the most part I am satisfied with how these turned out and about half of them are really nice. The others are just okay and only a couple I'm not that into at all. They are heavy with India ink and I'm not sure if the scans reflect it or not but there are some cool metallic silver gestures that really look nice. [I've taken to tucking these behind the trusty old 'read more' break. Not sure why.] |
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