When I'm creatively tapped out I can switch gears and do the technical stuff like documentation and web updates and that sort of thing. And one of the major aspects of this project is the documentation of it. The dreaded scanning of the work.
I complain about the scanning a lot but the truth is I kind of make it my meditation for the time and I certainly don't hate it. But what I do find really frustrating is the fact that quite often the pieces I scan end up not looking exactly like the actual pieces. The color is sometimes a little off. And ultimately I try and correct the things with software and am mostly satisfied. [The pieces I end up posting online for sale are always reviewed to make sure the scans are accurate.] But I've constantly run into trouble with some colors. Hot pinks and bright oranges just never seem to translate and until recently I've sort of just accepted this as the way it is with scanners and certain colors.
This morning I got a nice email from artist Frank Phillips and he let me know that the piece I sent him had arrived and that I had included an extra piece and he wondered if I had made a mistake. He scanned the piece in question and I was floored by seeing the colors of it represented so accurately in his scan.
My scan of piece #324,987 is above. And the scan of the same piece from Frank is just below.

So I do try to include an extra piece or two when I can. I also have a sizable selection of pieces that I cannot use to sell online as the scans just aren't accurate enough for me to feel okay about selling them online. So frequently the pieces I'll include as gifts are the ones that failed to scan correctly.
I figured I was doing something wrong and now I'm excited to know it can be fixed. And this is really, really great news because I use these bright colors a whole lot and it bums me out that the pieces shown in the scans are sometimes just not able to show the entire picture.
Frank? You made my day with this!
And for the record, I have a pretty big stack of new pieces that are all ready and waiting to be scanned. I'm planning on doing this over the next day or so and you can look for new pieces to be posted through the weekend.
And please do send any scanner tips you might have! Seriously. I could really use them.