If you're not familiar with it the game is basically an overlay for Google Maps that shows specific locations in your immediate area. These locations are primarily public art, murals, sculptures, significant architecture and other unique and notable places.
You can read a lot more about it HERE but It's a remarkably cool way to interact with your environment and as an artist and an heroic lover of art it's especially cool. You'll absolutely discover things in your neighborhood and city that you've never noticed before and the game allows for information about the respective locations to be added. Plus you'll have to physically walk around a whole lot and I'm seriously down two belt sizes from last year.
Ingress is a totally free app and is currently available for Android devices and should be ready for iPhone release very, very soon. And you should totally choose to join the Enlightened faction.
And KALEID Gallery in San Jose is one of those portals. And so it the One Thousand Thousand project.