Since it's Sunday maybe start keeping your written weekly journal/notes/log and keep any found objects or items or ephemera you've come across during the week. Sometime before next Sunday you'll use those things to work out some assemblage as a visual diary for that week.
The plans for having another go at the 52 Weeks project are coming along. I'm finishing up a doc that describes the process and I will pass that along to everyone that wants to give the project a shot. In the interim it's maybe a good idea to do a couple of test runs and get in the habit of doing the work.
Since it's Sunday maybe start keeping your written weekly journal/notes/log and keep any found objects or items or ephemera you've come across during the week. Sometime before next Sunday you'll use those things to work out some assemblage as a visual diary for that week.
![]() We're preparing to have another go at the 52 Weeks project and the idea is to start at the beginning of the year. Maybe sooner but there's still a bit of prep work to be done. The box frames we used last time were pre-manufactured and this time we're making our own. So far a small handful of people have tentatively signed on to do the project too and you're invited to do the same. In looking back on it I'd still say that the 52 Weeks project was one of the more important bodies of work I've ever done. It was a big undertaking on many levels. It required a serious commitment of time and energy to devote a full year to really just stripping yourself naked in front of anyone that passed by.
Okay. So maybe if you're interested in doing the project along with a few others then let me know. All the contact info is here if you don't already have it.
You can read some old Intro Notes from the early stages of the project and by all means check out the page [and any other info you can find] on my heroine Candy Jernigan. Some quick and unedited thoughts that I want to remind myself of:
Working on the One Thousand Thousand project, as well as 52 Weeks for that matter, has really been one of the best things I could have done as an artist. The work itself isn't what I'm referring to in this. [Although that's incredibly important too.] But the process itself has been hugely beneficial in many ways. When we were doing the 52 Weeks project we worked within certain parameters we had set for ourselves. One box each week. Starting on Sunday and ending on the following Sunday. Make sure it was done by the deadline. Pencils down. We also had to use the same little wooden shadow boxes as our starting point for each piece. [Between Christopher and myself we had 104 total boxes that were identical when we began the project.] I remember the first couple of weeks really just limiting myself to the pre-defined confines of the original boxes. It never really occurred to me that I'd end up working outside of the box. [I swear to you that there was no intention of a pun here at all. I promise.] ![]() It's been 10 years since the completion of the 52 Weeks project. [Just thinking of this blows me away.] In talking a lot lately about the One Thousand Thousand project the subject of past projects has come up and I figure it's a lot easier to just show people the work as opposed to trying to describe it. That said, I've been compiling a lot of the old images and files relating to the 52 Weeks project and have just recently got the bulk of them sorted and posted in some manageable way. If you're already familiar with the 52 Weeks project then feel free to skip it. There's not a lot of new stuff to say or to see. But if you've not seen the pieces from the project then, for sure, you're encouraged to check it out. The main section of the site is here. It's crazy how doing art projects like this can be really important. Looking back at these images and re-reading the written entries brings me instantly back to those days and moments and hours that happened a decade ago. I dunno. I suppose I'm feeling nostalgic or something. What I mean to say is that I'm really grateful to be able to look back on my life and see how art has helped me through it. |
August 2016