I thought I'd already finished with this small set from June 9, 2014 but just found them stuck in a bin full of pencils. You truly wouldn't believe the number pieces that are tucked away all of the house and studio and car and it's taken days just hunting them down to get them all in one place.
Anyway, so this little set was a weird one where they started out okay and had potential but stalled. I decided to give the first stage a bit more depth and tried some collage-type approach but with photo image transfers instead of paper.
Katherine was doing some of her review/editing work on some photos she took that day and I asked to see the shots she wasn't into at all. I liked the idea of using ones that she wasn't happy with and wouldn't ever use and thought it was nice to give them a chance somewhere else.
I chose just a few random areas of the shots and printed them onto acetate sheets. That process allows you to end up with something close to the original photo just suspended in ink on the non-porous surface of the plastic sheets. Hurrying before the ink dries you just flip the sheet over onto the surface and that's it. The image transfers. Or it's supposed to. In this case some of the first layer of paint was covered with another experimental product I found in a garage. It's some sort of hobby clear-coat but it dried and turned out to be really brittle. If you touch it with, say, a pencil it'll just chip and give away. So the combination of these two things made the results really ghostly and faded and I actually like them a lot looking back on them.
[I think at one point I didn't like them at all.]
Okay. Here they are: